Thursday, January 3, 2008

Logan's Cow

When I got in my car this morning, my iPod was dead, so I had to resolve to the radio. Turning on a local Christian station, I listened as a young boy tell the story of his cow. His name was Logan.

Logan's cow was his prized possession, and I wish I had heard the whole story of where he got her from. His cow recently had a calf, but could not support the young calf due to complications with producing milk. The calf was sent away to be nursed by another mother cow. Things didn't get much better for Jonah's cow, she broke her back, and a vet told him she would never recover.

Realizing that his cow, his very special cow, was better off, Logan went out this morning, and put his cow down.

Logan began to cry, continually saying how special his cow was.

Then, Logan said, "You know, God did the same thing. He knew the world was suffering. And, He knew his son Jesus was special, so special that he could end our suffering."

I was blown away. A 6 year old grasps something that most adults will never know. It wasn't easy for God to do what he did: giving up his son to walk this earth, and die the horrible death he died. I remember sitting in the theater before seeing the "Passion Of The Christ," a couple of friends and I were joking around, when a women in front of us turned around and said,"This is a serious movie, yall shouldn't be laughing." As they nailed Christ to the cross, she said to her husband that she wished it hadn't been so gory, and then turned to see me and my friends crying our eyes out.

I believe she didn't realize what was happening. Christ, like Logan said, was something special. He was different. His sacrifice sets him higher than anyone else. I wonder sometimes if I realize how amazing my God is. I was talking to my new friend Paige the other night, and we both agree that no human being can grasp God's Love, that there is no experience shared between to humans that can match God's love for us. I believe Logan is on a good track for having a close understanding of how special God's love is.

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